How our members are raising standards in the utility and power industries
Standing up for safer workplaces
Our members in the utility industry understand their work has the potential to turn dangerous. They have collaborated with their employers to develop policies, protocols, and trainings to ensure they are prepared when risks are encountered on the job. For example, IFPTE members at PG&E negotiated to have union safety representatives on each Safety Area Committee, and to make suggestions to company safety rules.
Securing fair pay and benefits
IFPTE members have negotiated with their employers for higher pay and better benefits. By securing minimum salaries and annual raises, wage increases are known and predictable. PG&E members’ contract, for example, includes annual wage increases between 3 and 3.5 percent. Union members also have higher quality health insurance plans with lower premiums and retirement plans with greater employer contributions, as well as more holidays, vacation days, and sick leave.
Creating paths for career advancement
Our members value opportunities for advancement and have negotiated for processes for promotion. They also recognize that additional training and education may be needed to reach their careers goals, which is why they’ve secured tuition reimbursement in their contracts. By joining together in union, IFPTE members are ensuring their quality jobs in the utility industry become long-term, quality careers.