Join IFPTE: The Union for Federal Sector Professionals


From scientists at NASA to immigration judges in the Justice Department, federal government employees are IFPTE members. They’ve joined together to make their work and workplaces better. With a voice at their organizations, our members have been able to create more equitable working conditions, secure professional development opportunities, and collaborate more effectively with managers. Joining together in union has allowed them to do their jobs better, and in turn better serve the American people.

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How our members have improved their federal sector workplaces


Standing up for the integrity of our professions

IFPTE members are scientists, engineers, analysts and other professionals, who are also federal government employees. They are experts in their fields responsible for providing critical information, services, and guidance to the American people. By joining together in union, they’ve been able to demand respect for their work and stand up for the integrity of their professions.

Ensuring workplace fairness

Fair treatment in workplace assignments, performance reviews, and career paths is important to a productive and collaborative work environment. By intervening when policies and procedures are applied unevenly, IFPTE members are establishing a standard of equal treatment in their workplaces.

Advocating for their interests on Capitol Hill

Lawmakers’ decisions often affect our federal sector members’ work. As union members, they have a voice in the policy decisions that impact their work. From advocating for federal pay increases, expanded benefits for government employees, and funding to end government shutdowns, our union is improving the careers of federal employees so they can continue to effectively serve the American people.


Where our federal sector members work



Contact us about joining the union of federal government professionals

As a union with members across federal departments and agencies, we understand the challenges faced by federal government employees. By joining together with us, you can gain a voice in your workplace, have the power to speak to Congress on decisions that affect your work, and make improvements to better serve the American people.

Fill out our contact form and IFPTE staff will reach out to you with more information about forming a union in your federal government workplace.

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What is a union?

A group of employees who come together to negotiate with their employer over their wages, benefits, and working conditions. The employees are the union—they democratically elect their coworkers who oversee their union’s affairs and conduct negotiations with their employer. Unlike associations, employees in unions have the legal right to negotiate collectively with their employers.

What is collective bargaining?

Collective bargaining is the formal process employees in unions and their employers use to negotiate the terms and conditions of work—including wages, benefits, and working conditions. Similar to the contracts CEOs have that guarantee their pay, benefits, and other conditions of employment, the terms agreed upon during collective bargaining are solidified in a contract called the collective bargaining agreement. Collective bargaining agreements are commonly referred to as union contracts.


Steps to forming a union


Step 1: Reach out to a union

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Step 2: Build support among coworkers

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Step 3: Sign union cards

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Step 4: Petition the FLRA and hold a union election

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Step 5: Negotiate first contract

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Step 6: Ratify first contract